Industrial Premises With Living Quarters

Large industrial shed located just off the highway in Trafalgar is available for rent now.

Features inlcude:

Shed 30x12.5m - Approx. height 4.6m - Front roller door 4.3mhx3.6mw - rear roller door 4.3mhx4.3mw - Top storage floor rated 5kpa = 500kg per square meter limit, 3 phase power

All abilities toilet, separate second toilet, office/lounge with split system, brew room, two fully enclosed offices, one open sided office, alarm system, LED industrial lights, rear access down each side of shed, Safe

Living quarters - Bathroom with toilet and shower, upstairs bedroom/lounge with split system

Cyclone fencing all around, smaller 3 sided shed at rear of approximately 5x3m, security cameras installed but require hard drive to operate

1,504 m2
Address 9 Middle Rd, Trafalgar
Price $550 per week plus GST and outgoings
Property Type Commercial
Property ID 1064
Category Industrial/Warehouse
Land Area 1,504 m2
Office Area 25m2
Warehouse Area 384m2

Agent Details

Tanya Megaw photo

Tanya Megaw

0477 012 710
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